sábado, 25 de diciembre de 2010

Evolution of Marketing

En el siguiente vídeo podemos ver de una manera visual sencilla como ha evolucionado el marketing desde los primeros tiempos (el invento de la rueda) hasta las nuevas disciplinas actuales de las que destaca el "Consumer Engagement".

Los responsables de realización son la agencia de "Social Media Marketing" Big Fuel. Esto es lo que pretendían transmitirnos con el vídeo:

"New Marketing disciplines have emerged over time, as new channels of communication were developed. The first traditional advertising agency was established in 1852 to help brands generate awareness through channels like newspapers, eventually radio... and later television. As technology evolved, so did the need for more expertise. 1962 gave birth to direct marketing. Helping brands generate sales through channels like: telephone, mail, and catalogs. 1993 saw digital agencies join the marketing table to help brands navigate another new channel: the Internet. By 2001, web 1.0 gave way to web 2.0 and for the first time people could control what messages they let into their lives and which they shared with the world. People became their own channel. Historically, brands have sought expertise to effectively deliver messages across different communications channels. This new "consumer-driven" channel requires a new seat at the table. It's called... Consumer Engagement."

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